10 Common Podiatry SOAP Note Examples
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List of cases
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Diabetic Foot Ulcer
- Ingrown Toenail
- Bunion Deformity
- Ankle Sprain
- Achilles Tendinitis
- Morton's Neuroma
- Heel Spur
- Fungal Nail Infection
- Metatarsalgia
1. Plantar Fasciitis
The patient presents with chronic heel pain consistent with plantar fasciitis.
Patient Name: Michael Roberts
Date of Visit: 09/01/2024
Michael Roberts, a 45-year-old male retail manager, presents with 3-month history of left heel pain. Pain worst with first steps in morning and after prolonged standing. Pain rated 7/10 in morning, improving to 4/10 during day. Recently started jogging program. Tried OTC insoles with minimal relief. No previous foot injuries. Works 8-hour shifts on concrete floors.
- Vital Signs:
- BP: 124/78 mmHg
- HR: 72 bpm
- RR: 16/min
- Temp: 98.6°F
- Weight: 85 kg
- BMI: 27.4
- Physical Exam:
- Inspection:
- No gross deformity
- Normal arch height
- No edema
- No erythema
- Palpation:
- Tender at plantar fascia origin
- Pain with windlass test
- No calcaneal squeeze tenderness
- Range of Motion:
- Ankle dorsiflexion limited to 5°
- Plantar flexion WNL
- Pain with toe extension
- Gait Analysis:
- Antalgic gait
- Early heel lift
- Decreased stance phase
- Inspection:
- Imaging:
- X-ray: No fracture or spur
- Ultrasound: Plantar fascia 5.2mm
- Plantar Fasciitis, Left Foot
- Chronic presentation
- Biomechanical factors
- Work-related aggravation
- Ankle Equinus
- Contributing to symptoms
- Requires stretching
- Custom orthotics ordered
- Night splint prescribed
- Activity modification
- CPT Code: 99203
- Meloxicam 15mg daily
- Topical diclofenac gel
- Ice massage instructions
Physical Therapy:
- Stretching exercises
- Gastrocnemius/soleus
- Plantar fascia specific
- Home program provided
- 3 weeks follow-up
- Orthotic fitting
- Consider injection if no improvement
2. Diabetic Foot Ulcer
The patient presents for evaluation and treatment of a diabetic foot ulcer.
Patient Name: Patricia Thompson
Date of Visit: 09/02/2024
Patricia Thompson, a 62-year-old female with type 2 diabetes (15-year history), presents with non-healing ulcer on right plantar heel of 3 weeks duration. Noticed after wearing new shoes. Denies trauma. Blood sugars ranging 150-200mg/dL. Previous history of ulceration 2 years ago. Reports adequate offloading with provided wheelchair.
- Vital Signs:
- BP: 138/84 mmHg
- HR: 78 bpm
- RR: 16/min
- Temp: 98.6°F
- Weight: 78 kg
- BMI: 29.2
- Physical Exam:
- Wound Assessment:
- 2.0 x 1.5 cm ulcer
- Wagner Grade 2
- Depth 0.4 cm
- No undermining
- Pink wound bed
- Minimal exudate
- Vascular:
- Pulses: DP 1+, PT 1+
- Capillary refill 3 seconds
- Skin temperature normal
- Neurological:
- Absent 10g monofilament
- Diminished vibratory sense
- Absent ankle reflexes
- Dermatological:
- Skin dry, intact
- No maceration
- Periwound callus
- Wound Assessment:
- Laboratory:
- HbA1C: 8.2%
- WBC: 8.5 K/μL
- ESR: 22 mm/hr
- Diabetic Foot Ulcer
- Wagner Grade 2
- Neuropathic etiology
- No clinical infection
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Diabetes-related
- High risk for complications
- Sharp debridement
- Wound care protocol
- Offloading device
- CPT Code: 11042, 99213
Wound Care:
- Collagen dressing
- Foam secondary dressing
- Daily dressing changes
- Total contact cast
Patient Education:
- Diabetes management
- Foot inspection
- Proper footwear
- Warning signs
- Weekly wound checks
- Vascular studies ordered
- Endocrinology referral
3. Ingrown Toenail
The patient presents with painful ingrown toenail of the right hallux with signs of infection.
Patient Name: Emily Chen
Date of Visit: 09/03/2024
Emily Chen, a 24-year-old female, presents with 2-week history of painful right great toe. Pain rated 8/10, worse with pressure and wearing shoes. Attempted home care with soaking and trimming. Reports previous episodes. No history of diabetes. Works as a waitress. Denies recent trauma.
- Vital Signs:
- BP: 118/72 mmHg
- HR: 76 bpm
- RR: 16/min
- Temp: 98.8°F
- Weight: 60 kg
- Physical Exam:
- Inspection:
- Medial nail border embedded
- Surrounding erythema
- Granulation tissue present
- Moderate hypertrophy
- Palpation:
- Severe tenderness
- Warmth present
- Fluctuance noted
- Nail Assessment:
- Medial border penetration
- Stage 3 classification
- Purulent drainage
- Vascular:
- Pulses 2+ DP/PT
- Capillary refill less than 2 seconds
- Good tissue perfusion
- Inspection:
- Onychocryptosis, Right Hallux
- Stage 3 with infection
- Medial border involvement
- Failed conservative care
- Paronychia
- Secondary to ingrowth
- Moderate severity
- Partial nail avulsion
- Matricectomy planned
- Local anesthesia
- CPT Code: 11730, 11732
- Cephalexin 500mg QID x7 days
- Ibuprofen 600mg TID prn
- Topical bacitracin
Patient Education:
- Proper nail trimming
- Footwear modification
- Post-op care instructions
- Prevention strategies
- 48-hour wound check
- Remove packing
- Weekly until healed
4. Bunion Deformity
The patient presents for evaluation of progressive bunion deformity with increasing pain.
Patient Name: Sarah Miller
Date of Visit: 09/04/2024
Sarah Miller, a 52-year-old female, presents with worsening left bunion pain of 2 years duration. Pain rated 6/10, worse with dress shoes and prolonged walking. Conservative measures including wider shoes and padding provide minimal relief. Family history positive for bunions. No previous foot surgery.
- Vital Signs:
- BP: 122/76 mmHg
- HR: 74 bpm
- RR: 16/min
- Temp: 98.6°F
- Weight: 65 kg
- Physical Exam:
- Inspection:
- Prominent medial eminence
- Hallux valgus deformity
- No overlapping toes
- Mild erythema over bunion
- Range of Motion:
- First MPJ: 20° dorsiflexion
- Pain at end range
- Crepitus noted
- Gait Analysis:
- Apropulsive gait
- Decreased toe-off
- Modified shoe wear
- Measurements:
- HVA: 32 degrees
- IMA: 15 degrees
- Sesamoid position: Grade 2
- Inspection:
- Imaging:
- X-rays: Weight-bearing AP/Lateral/Oblique
- Moderate joint space narrowing
- No arthritis noted
- Hallux Valgus Deformity
- Moderate severity
- Progressive symptoms
- Failed conservative care
- First MPJ Dysfunction
- Limited ROM
- Biomechanical impact
- Compensatory changes
- Surgical consultation
- Pre-op planning
- Conservative measures
- CPT Code: 99213
Conservative Care:
- Custom orthotics
- Bunion splint night wear
- Toe spacers
- Proper shoe fitting
Patient Education:
- Surgical options discussed
- Risk/benefit review
- Recovery expectations
- Activity modifications
- 2 weeks for surgical planning
- Continue conservative care
- Pre-op testing if elected
5. Ankle Sprain
The patient presents with acute left ankle injury following sports activity.
Patient Name: Marcus Johnson
Date of Visit: 09/05/2024
Marcus Johnson, a 28-year-old male basketball player, presents with acute left ankle injury sustained 2 hours ago during a game. Mechanism was inversion while landing from a jump. Immediate pain and swelling noted. Pain rated 8/10, worse with weight bearing. Able to walk with significant limp. No previous ankle injuries. Ice applied at site.
- Vital Signs:
- BP: 126/78 mmHg
- HR: 82 bpm
- RR: 16/min
- Temp: 98.6°F
- Weight: 85 kg
- Physical Exam:
- Inspection:
- Moderate lateral swelling
- Ecchymosis developing
- No gross deformity
- Normal arch height
- Palpation:
- Tender over ATFL/CFL
- Pain lateral malleolus
- No medial tenderness
- Range of Motion:
- Dorsiflexion limited
- Painful inversion
- Eversion intact
- Special Tests:
- Positive anterior drawer
- Positive talar tilt
- Negative Ottawa criteria
- Inspection:
- Neurovascular:
- Sensation intact
- Pulses 2+ DP/PT
- Cap refill less than 2 seconds
- Grade II Lateral Ankle Sprain
- Acute presentation
- Ligamentous injury
- No fracture suspected
- Peroneal Strain
- Secondary to injury
- Mild severity
- RICE protocol
- CAM walker boot
- Protected weight bearing
- CPT Code: 99203
- Naproxen 500mg BID
- Acetaminophen prn pain
- Topical ice therapy
Physical Therapy:
- Early mobilization
- Strengthening program
- Balance training
- Home exercise plan
- 1 week follow-up
- PT referral given
- Return to play protocol
6. Achilles Tendinitis
The patient presents with chronic Achilles tendon pain affecting athletic activities.
Patient Name: Rachel Foster
Date of Visit: 09/06/2024
Rachel Foster, a 35-year-old female runner, presents with 6-week history of left Achilles pain. Pain worst in morning and after running. Recently increased mileage for marathon training. Pain rated 5/10, improves with warm-up. Previous episode 2 years ago resolved with PT. Currently running 30 miles/week.
- Vital Signs:
- BP: 118/74 mmHg
- HR: 68 bpm
- RR: 16/min
- Temp: 98.6°F
- Weight: 58 kg
- Physical Exam:
- Inspection:
- Mild fusiform swelling
- No erythema
- Normal alignment
- 2cm proximal to insertion
- Palpation:
- Tenderness mid-portion
- No nodules
- No crepitus
- Range of Motion:
- Ankle DF: 10°
- PF: Full but painful
- Subtalar motion WNL
- Special Tests:
- Positive Thompson squeeze
- Pain with single heel raise
- Royal London test positive
- Inspection:
- Imaging:
- Ultrasound: 6.8mm thickness
- No rupture or tear
- Moderate hypervascularity
- Achilles Tendinopathy
- Mid-portion involvement
- Activity-related
- Chronic presentation
- Training Error
- Sudden mileage increase
- Contributing factor
- Activity modification
- Eccentric protocol
- Heel lifts provided
- CPT Code: 99213
- Meloxicam 15mg daily
- Topical diclofenac
- Ice after activity
Physical Therapy:
- Eccentric loading program
- Manual therapy
- Gait analysis
- Training modification
- 3 weeks follow-up
- Monitor progress
- Gradual return to running
7. Morton's Neuroma
The patient presents with forefoot pain consistent with Morton's neuroma.
Patient Name: Linda Parker
Date of Visit: 09/07/2024
Linda Parker, a 48-year-old female office worker, presents with 4-month history of right forefoot pain. Describes sharp, burning pain between 3rd and 4th toes, worse with dress shoes and high heels. Pain rated 6/10, relieved by removing shoes. Reports sensation of "walking on a pebble." No previous foot surgery. Works in heels frequently.
- Vital Signs:
- BP: 120/76 mmHg
- HR: 74 bpm
- RR: 16/min
- Temp: 98.6°F
- Weight: 63 kg
- Physical Exam:
- Inspection:
- No visible deformity
- Normal alignment
- No edema
- No color changes
- Palpation:
- Mulder's click positive
- Web space tenderness
- No masses palpable
- Range of Motion:
- Metatarsophalangeal joints WNL
- Pain with compression
- No crepitus
- Neurological:
- Decreased sensation web space
- Normal muscle strength
- DTRs symmetric
- Inspection:
- Imaging:
- Ultrasound: 6mm neuroma
- X-rays: Normal alignment
- Morton's Neuroma
- 3rd interspace
- Moderate severity
- Mechanical aggravation
- Footwear Contributing
- High heel use
- Narrow toe box
- Metatarsal pad placement
- Shoe modification
- Activity adjustment
- CPT Code: 99213
- Gabapentin 300mg TID
- NSAIDs as needed
- Consider injection
Patient Education:
- Proper shoe fitting
- Activity modification
- Ergonomic workplace
- Self-management
- 3 weeks follow-up
- Consider injection
- Surgical options if needed
8. Heel Spur
The patient presents with chronic heel pain associated with calcaneal spur.
Patient Name: Robert Wilson
Date of Visit: 09/08/2024
Robert Wilson, a 55-year-old male construction worker, presents with 6-month history of right heel pain. Pain worst with first steps and after prolonged standing. Pain rated 7/10 in morning, 5/10 during day. Previous cortisone injection provided temporary relief. Tried OTC arch supports without improvement. Works on concrete surfaces.
- Vital Signs:
- BP: 132/82 mmHg
- HR: 76 bpm
- RR: 16/min
- Temp: 98.6°F
- Weight: 90 kg
- BMI: 28.6
- Physical Exam:
- Inspection:
- Normal foot alignment
- No edema
- No erythema
- Pes planus noted
- Palpation:
- Plantar calcaneal tenderness
- Medial tubercle pain
- No lateral pain
- Range of Motion:
- Ankle ROM WNL
- STJ pronation increased
- First MPJ ROM normal
- Gait Analysis:
- Apropulsive gait
- Early heel lift
- Overpronation
- Inspection:
- Imaging:
- X-ray: 8mm plantar heel spur
- Increased soft tissue density
- Calcaneal Spur Syndrome
- Chronic presentation
- Associated plantar fasciitis
- Work aggravation
- Pes Planus
- Contributing factor
- Biomechanical influence
- Custom orthotics ordered
- Night splint prescribed
- Work modifications
- CPT Code: 99213
- Diclofenac 75mg BID
- Consider cortisone injection
- Ice therapy protocol
Physical Therapy:
- Stretching program
- Taping technique
- Strengthening exercises
- Manual therapy
- 2 weeks follow-up
- Injection if needed
- Orthotic fitting
9. Fungal Nail Infection
The patient presents for evaluation and treatment of chronic toenail fungal infection.
Patient Name: Carol Martinez
Date of Visit: 09/09/2024
Carol Martinez, a 58-year-old female, presents with progressive thickening and discoloration of multiple toenails over past year. Most concerned about right great toenail. Reports occasional discomfort with shoes. Previous over-the-counter antifungal treatments ineffective. Regular gym user. No previous nail surgery. Family history of similar condition.
- Vital Signs:
- BP: 124/76 mmHg
- HR: 72 bpm
- RR: 16/min
- Temp: 98.6°F
- Weight: 70 kg
- Physical Exam:
- Nail Assessment:
- Subungual hyperkeratosis
- Yellow-brown discoloration
- 80% nail plate involvement
- 4mm thickness hallux
- Additional Findings:
- Multiple nails affected
- No paronychia
- Intact surrounding skin
- Pedal Pulses:
- DP/PT 2+ bilateral
- Normal capillary refill
- Dermatological:
- Mild tinea pedis
- Web spaces clear
- No maceration
- Nail Assessment:
- Laboratory:
- KOH preparation: Positive
- Fungal culture pending
- Onychomycosis
- Distal subungual type
- Multiple nail involvement
- Chronic presentation
- Tinea Pedis
- Mild presentation
- Contributing factor
- Oral terbinafine prescribed
- Nail debridement
- Topical therapy
- CPT Code: 11721
- Terbinafine 250mg daily x12 weeks
- Ciclopirox nail lacquer
- Antifungal cream for feet
Patient Education:
- Proper foot hygiene
- Shoe sanitization
- Prevention strategies
- Treatment timeline
- Monthly nail measurements
- Monitor LFTs
- 12-week course review
10. Metatarsalgia
The patient presents with chronic forefoot pain consistent with metatarsalgia.
Patient Name: James Anderson
Date of Visit: 09/10/2024
James Anderson, a 45-year-old male sales representative, presents with 3-month history of bilateral ball-of-foot pain. Pain worse with dress shoes and prolonged walking. Describes aching and burning sensation. Pain rated 6/10 by end of day. Previous use of gel insoles provided minimal relief. Spends long hours on feet at trade shows.
- Vital Signs:
- BP: 128/78 mmHg
- HR: 76 bpm
- RR: 16/min
- Temp: 98.6°F
- Weight: 82 kg
- Physical Exam:
- Inspection:
- Normal foot alignment
- No digital deformities
- Mild forefoot edema
- Callus formation
- Palpation:
- 2nd/3rd MPJ tenderness
- Plantar forefoot pain
- No masses noted
- Range of Motion:
- MPJ ROM limited
- Pain with dorsiflexion
- No crepitus
- Gait Analysis:
- Early heel lift
- Decreased propulsion
- Antalgic pattern
- Inspection:
- Imaging:
- X-rays: Normal alignment
- No arthritis or fracture
- Preserved joint spaces
- Metatarsalgia
- Primary mechanical
- Bilateral involvement
- Work-related aggravation
- Forefoot Overload
- Occupational factors
- Improper footwear
- Custom orthotics ordered
- Metatarsal padding
- Activity modification
- CPT Code: 99213
- Meloxicam 15mg daily
- Topical diclofenac
- Ice therapy protocol
Patient Education:
- Proper shoe selection
- Work modifications
- Weight management
- Activity pacing
- 3 weeks follow-up
- Orthotic fitting
- Review work ergonomics