Step-by-Step Guide on How to Write SOAP Notes

SOAP notes are essential for effective patient care and documentation. This guide provides detailed instructions for each section of a SOAP note, helping you understand the structure and content required for thorough documentation. By mastering SOAP notes, you can enhance patient care, ensure effective communication among healthcare providers, and maintain accurate medical records.

Subjective Section (S)

What to Include:

  • The patient’s chief complaint
  • History of present illness
  • Relevant medical history, family history, and social history


  • Use the patient’s own words whenever possible
  • Ask open-ended questions to gather more detailed information

Example (Medical Profession: General Practice):


  • Chief Complaint: "I have had a headache for the past three days."
  • History of Present Illness: The patient reports a constant, dull headache that began three days ago. The pain is located in the frontal region and worsens with bright lights. No associated nausea or vomiting. The patient denies any recent head trauma.
  • Medical History: No history of migraines. History of seasonal allergies.

Objective Section (O)

What to Include:

  • Vital signs
  • Physical examination findings
  • Results of diagnostic tests


  • Be precise and factual in your documentation
  • Include only measurable and observable data

Example (Medical Profession: General Practice):


  • Vital Signs: BP 120/80, HR 72, RR 16, Temp 98.6°F
  • Physical Exam: The patient is alert and oriented. Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. No tenderness upon palpation of the frontal and maxillary sinuses. Neck is supple with no lymphadenopathy. No signs of distress.

Assessment Section (A)

What to Include:

  • Primary diagnosis
  • Differential diagnoses


  • Use clinical reasoning to support your diagnosis
  • Include possible alternative diagnoses and the rationale for ruling them out

Example (Medical Profession: General Practice):


  • Primary Diagnosis: Tension headache
  • Differential Diagnoses: Migraine, sinusitis, cluster headache

Plan Section (P)

What to Include:

  • Treatment plan
  • Follow-up instructions
  • Patient education and lifestyle advice


  • Be specific about the treatment steps
  • Ensure the patient understands the follow-up instructions

Example (Medical Profession: General Practice):


  • Treatment: Prescribe acetaminophen 500mg every 6 hours as needed for pain. Recommend over-the-counter antihistamines if allergy symptoms are present.
  • Follow-Up: Reassess in one week or sooner if symptoms worsen or new symptoms develop.
  • Patient Education: Advise the patient on the importance of regular sleep patterns, stress management techniques, and staying hydrated. Educate the patient about identifying potential headache triggers.

Common Pitfalls and Tips

Common Mistakes:

  • Mixing subjective and objective data, which can lead to confusion
  • Providing insufficient detail in the assessment and plan sections
  • Failing to update the patient’s medical history and current medications

Tips to Avoid Pitfalls:

  • Keep each section focused on its specific purpose to maintain clarity
  • Use clear, concise language and complete sentences
  • Regularly update the patient’s medical history and medication list
  • Double-check your entries for accuracy and completeness


Summarize the key points from each section and encourage continuous practice and learning. By mastering SOAP notes, you enhance patient care and ensure effective communication among healthcare providers. Accurate and detailed SOAP notes are a vital component of high-quality healthcare documentation.

Guides by Healthcare Profession

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